Hypnosis For Stress Management
Hypnosis for Stress Management is another very popular request for the practising hypnotherapist. Using hypnotherapy for stress and using hypnosis techniques are a truly effective means of stress management.
We all know what stress is, because we have probably experienced it in one form or another. Yet 'stress' is a bit of a blanket term that covers a wide range of phenomena from mild irritation to more severe problems that could result in an actual breakdown of mental and physical health.
So what is stress, and what are its effects on our body and mind?
People experience stress, or see things as threatening, when they do not think that they can cope with obstacles (stimuli, people, situations, etc.). When we think the demands being placed on us exceed our ability to cope, we then perceive stress. Small amounts of stress may be desired, beneficial, and even healthy. Positive stress helps improve athletic performance.
It also plays a factor in motivation, adaptation, and reaction to the environment. Excessive amounts of stress however, may lead to many problems in the body that could be harmful. The region in the brain known as the hypothalamus triggers the release of powerful hormones such as cortisol, norepinephrine, and adrenaline. This raises the blood pressure and places extra strain on the heart as the heart rate increases. Simultaneously, normal bodily functions such as digestion are suppressed. Chronic stress can even elevate the risk of stroke or heart attack and seriously compromise the immune system.
Stress can be external and related to the environment, but we may also create internal perceptions that cause us to have anxiety or other negative emotions surrounding a situation, such as pressure, discomfort, etc., which we then deem stressful.
One thing we tend to overlook, is the positive aspect of stress, Positive psychological stress can lead to motivation and challenge instead of anxiety. Eustress comes from the Greek root “eu” which means good as in euphoria. Eustress is when a person perceives a stressor as positive. The effects of experiencing eustress, which is positive stress, as opposed to distress, which is negative stress, are significant. While generally we lump them together, these types of stress should be treated as separate. Distress causes a slowing of working pace while eustress can lead to motivational states such as flow. Distress stems from the Latin root “dis” as in dissonance or disagreement. Distress is a threat to the quality of life. It is when a demand vastly exceeds a person’s capabilities.
How can we measure stress?
The Holmes and Rahe stress scale is a list of 43 stressful life events that can contribute to illness. In 1967, psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe examined the medical records of over 5,000 medical patients as a way to determine whether stressful events might cause illnesses. The results were published as the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), known more commonly as the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale. Subsequent validation has supported the links between stress and illness. The scale was also assessed against different populations within the United States (with African, Mexican and White American groups). The scale was also tested cross-culturally, comparing Japanese and Malaysian groups with American populations.
To measure stress according to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, the number of "Life Change Units" that apply to events in the past year of an individual's life are added and the final score will give a rough estimate of how stress affects health.
Life event Life change units
Death of a spouse 100
Divorce 73
Marital separation 65
Imprisonment 63
Death of a close family member 63
Personal injury or illness 53
Marriage 50
Dismissal from work 47
Marital reconciliation 45
Retirement 45
Change in health of family member 44
Pregnancy 40
Sexual difficulties 39
Gain a new family member 39
Business readjustment 39
Change in financial state 38
Death of a close friend 37
Change to different line of work 36
Change in frequency of arguments 35
Major mortgage 32
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan 30
Change in responsibilities at work 29
Child leaving home 29
Trouble with in-laws 29
Outstanding personal achievement 28
Spouse starts or stops work 26
Beginning or end school 26
Change in living conditions 25
Revision of personal habits 24
Trouble with boss 23
Change in working hours or conditions 20
Change in residence 20
Change in schools 20
Change in recreation 19
Change in church activities 19
Change in social activities 18
Minor mortgage or loan 17
Change in sleeping habits 16
Change in number of family reunions 15
Change in eating habits 15
Vacation 13
Christmas 12
Minor violation of law 11
Score of 300+: At risk of illness.
Score of 150-299: Risk of illness is moderate (reduced by 30% from the above risk).
Score <150: Only have a slight risk of illness.
A modified scale which is not shown here, has also been developed for children. Similar to the adult scale, stress points for life events in the past year are added and compared to the rough estimate of how stress affects health.
A person typically is stressed when positive or negative (e.g., threatening) experiences temporarily strain or overwhelm adaptive capacities. Stress is highly personalised and depends on many variables such as the rate, intensity, duration, or personal interpretation of the input or other experiential factors. Both acute and chronic stress can intensify morbidity from anxiety disorders. For an example, panic attacks occur more often when the predisposed person is exposed to stressful situations. As most of us spend a large proportion of our lives at work, it’s worth looking at the workplace environment.
Among the many stressors mentioned by employees, these are the most common:
The way employees are treated by their bosses/supervisors or company, Lack of job security, Company policies, Coworkers who don't do their fair share, Unclear expectations, Poor communication, Not enough control over assignments, Inadequate pay or benefits, Urgent deadlines, Too much work, Long hours, Uncomfortable physical conditions, Relationship conflicts, Coworkers making careless mistakes, Dealing with rude customers, Lack of cooperation, How the company treats coworkers.
In order to develop an effective stress management programme, it is first necessary to identify the factors that are central to a persons stress,.. Stress may not be a stressor if the person does not perceive the stressor as a threat, but rather can see it as a positive or even a challenge. If that person can learn to use adequate coping skills, then stress may not actually be a result, or may not even develop. They may learn to change their perspective and provide them with the ability and confidence to improve their lives and handle all types of stressors.
However, The effects of stress are clear. Stress creates anxiety and fear, which produces anger and guilt, causing havoc with relationships and is an important factor in depression. If we continue for long periods of time in this stressful state then the effect on our health can be disastrous. It’s no surprise then, that so many people are asking about how to deal with stress in an effective way.
How Can Hypnosis Help In Dealing With Stress & Anxiety?
Hypnosis can help reduce stress – Stress can cause serious illness in people like heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and sleep disorders. If you have a lot of stress in your life and your body is constantly in a high alert state then learning some simple relaxation, hypnosis and meditation techniques can change your life. If you feel like you can’t get your stress levels under control by using diet, exercise and medicine then it’s time to think about what hypnotherapy and hypnosis can do for you. Because Hypnosis involves putting you in a deep state of relaxation it gives your mind and body a chance to recuperate, repair and heal itself by experiencing the relaxation that it desperately needs. Again the Hypno Relax download will give you an excellent introduction into learning the basics of relaxation and de-stressing techniques.
The good news is that Hypnosis can be used for stress management in two ways: First, you can use hypnosis to enter and enjoy a deeply relaxed state, throwing off tension and see things more clearly along with possible solutions to problems. This will help to prevent stress and anxiety. Second, hypnosis can also help you to achieve various healthy lifestyle changes that can reduce the amount of stress you encounter in your life.
Many people are reluctant to take medication to treat Anxiety because they don’t want to become dependent on medication. Other people just can’t seem to find a medication that works for them. Hypnosis is a drug free and very effective way to calm Anxiety and to treat the symptoms. By using hypnotic suggestions to eliminate the triggers of Anxiety people that suffer can sometimes find 100% relief from those conditions by using Hypnosis.
Like meditation, hypnosis does require more focus and practice than techniques like simple exercise, hypnosis also requires some guidance, either from a recording or with the help of a trained professional. Hypnosis may be a better option for those with physical limitations that make exercise more difficult. With Hypnosis there are no potential negative side effects. Also, few other techniques can offer such a wide variety of benefits. With consistent practice, virtually anyone can use hypnosis, and experience the many benefits this technique has to offer.